301 North Main Street Suite 1115 Greenville, SC 29601
With the GoldTech Ecommerce Manager, it’s really that easy to bring your entire thrift organization online!

With GEM you now can have every product in your organization available for sale both online AND on your store floors at the same time!  Even better:

  • Less labor – No checking products at the register if they sold online before letting a customer buy it.
  • Saves time – List items for both online and retail through the same production application.

This is only available through a patent-pending process called Commit-to-Buy:

  1. The store produces items and places them on store shelves.  Items become available online immediately
  2. Online shopper sees item and wishes to purchase.  They add to cart, enter payment information and commit to buy the item if it can be fulfilled
  3. Ecommerce fulfillment employee goes to find the product on store floor:
    • If employee locates item on shelves/racks:  
      • Brings item to eCommerce counter
      • Marks item as fulfillable
      • Customer’s credit card is charged
      • Ecommerce employee packages items for BOPIS or shipping
    • If an employee cannot locate an item on shelves/racks:
      • Returns to eCommerce counter
      • Marks item as “lost”
      • Hold drops off the customer’s card in 48 hours

Bring your entire thrift organization online with the GoldTech Ecommerce Manager (GEM)!