301 North Main Street Suite 1115 Greenville, SC 29601
Data analytics
Data anayltics
Data is everything. Data allows you to make better decisions about your business. Make better decisions with our Data Analytics connection in GEM.

Partnering with Profitbase for our retail analytics and data visualization platform gives you access to one of the world’s largest and most successful analytics firms. GEM and GTR comes with over 150 proven reports and dashboards out-of-the-box.

HQ Dashboards – How are your stores doing compared to each other?

Store Sales – Drill down into discounts, sales vs budgets, store rankings, etc.

Department Sales – Slice your sales data by department, store, or top/bottom items and attachment rates.

Inventory – Full control over your organizations inventory

Donations – KPI Dashboard and reports featuring market saturation, donor trends, round-ups, donor reports, and more.

Production – KPI Dashboard and reports featuring top producers, production by department, sell-thru rates, and production overviews by store/employee/department.

Trends – See all your important Sales KPIs in trendline form to quickly compare time periods.

Employee Hours – Comprehensive reporting on your employee payroll

Loss Prevention – 30 reports in 2 dashboards to quickly identify your LP problems

Basket Analysis

POS Transactions

Customer Analysis


Gift Cards